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Once again, I had the opportunity to work alongside Lottie Lillian as her second shooter while we documented yet another gorgeous couple on a stunning and hot June day.  Congratulations Amanda and Michael Kleber!

The Klebers

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A few weeks ago I was granted with a gracious opportunity to be able to second shoot for a wedding with Lottie Lillian! I am excited to share my images with you and can’t wait to share more recent work with you soon. So, stay tuned and enjoy :)!

Christina And Jeffrey

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View fullsize The moment that I face planted out of my full size bed on Sunday morning, I knew that It would be nothing but an interesting day. How I managed to nose dive out of my bed, I don’t know. I’m relieved that my cat Espy was the only one to witness that.  Let’s […]

Heather And Dylan Country Chic Engagement